Sunday, March 18, 2012

what is flu

min C or vitamin C.Tidak enough with it all of course we also need much rest do not get too many late nights.Colds are caused by the flu symptoms. Flu or influenza is caused by the influenza virus that attacks the respiratory system. Viris including influenza virus is a perennial that can not mati.Virus into the living body, then use it as a place to breed. The virus is transmitted to others through a granular fluid of saliva or mucus are expelled when someone coughs, sneezes, or speaks. The virus quickly spread along with the fluid expelled. Air as a medium for the spread of the virus and if you inhale it with the condition of the body that do not fit can make you the flu. That is why the spread of flu is very easy.

 Another way to spread the flu virus as a flu sufferer who holds the nose or mouth to make her move to the flu virus. Animals with flu can infect humans and endanger such as bird flu or swine flu is a new type of virus. Various types of dangerous flu like the Spanish Flu, Hong Kong flu, or bird flu and swine must be aware. Protect yourself to avoid getting the flu can be a way for your child from contracting the flu have not you.
Then who will get the flu ....? Of course we do not want to have a cold, the flu can make us uncomfortable, then to overcome them so as not to catch cold or should we maintain the health of our body's defenses to drink plenty of water and eat fruit-harbor rich in vita

Friday, March 9, 2012

Pembunuh Bayaran Itu Sadis

Anda ingat tragedi Tugu Tani, yaitu kecelakaan lalulintas yang menewaskan 9 orang pejalan kaki yang sering di sebut Xenia maut dengan terpidana Afriani susanti.akibat dari Afriani Susanti yang sedang mengendarai mobil Xenia-nya dalam keadaan mabuk dan diduga menggunakan sabu-sabu.

Dari peristiwa itu ada seseorang yang terinspirasi untuk membuat film Animasi yaitu “Tragedi Tugu Tani The Movie”.Film animasi ini menceritakan tentang kejadian atau kronologi peristiwa maut yang terjadi di Tugu Tani.Video animasi ini sedikit di buat dramatis oleh sang animator yaitu tidak terimanya keluaga korban atas vonis 6 tahun penjara kepada Afriani Susanti,Sehingga keluarga korban menyewa jasa Pembunuh Bayaran yang sadis untuk membunuh Afriani susanti dan ke tiga temannya.Lalu bagai mana ceritanya....?